Facets of categorism

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This is an outdated legacy page from The 2014 system. See instead Expressions of categorism.

A facet of categorism is a way in which categorism is done. With prejudice, bigotry and discrimination constructed as the archetypical facets (being categorism through beliefs, feelings and acts, respectively), there are also more specific facets. The thesis lists 30 such facets of categorism. It also mentions a 31:s facet, infantilization, without including it on the list. The facets operate on at least six different levels. See also indirect facets.

List of 30 facets

This list is available at page 93 of the thesis. The list is not intended to be conclusive, as the possible ways of expressing prejudice, bigotry and/or discrimination are virtually infinite.

Other facets

  • Infantilization: Treating adults as if they were small children. (To some extent also covers treating grown-ups as teens or teens as kids.)
  • Internalized Categorism: When people are subjected to prejudice and bigotry from others, they tend to internalize it - making it part of their self-images.
  • Tabooization: Making groups or practices unmentionable.
  • Normalization: Making categorism against the targeted group to be normal.
  • Malpractice: To directly or indirectly deny care to people of the targeted category.
  • (misc facets): (Other potentially noteworthy facets which might get their own pages in the future.)
  • Schrödinger's Joke